19 Ekim 2015 Pazartesi

My Reflection on the Literacy Skills

Classroom experiences enable students to comprehend new knowledge easily. These literacies are text, computer, visual, audio, distance learning, video, cyberlearning and media. In my secondary school, I developed especially my text and visual literary skills. When I had a job, I enhanced my computer and media literacy as well, because I used computer in many times while working. In my university life, ı always use visual and media literacies in my classes and those help me to learn and teach. I will create new materials with those abilities via technology.

In my education life, I had to read many books so my visual literary developed as well. If a teacher wants to teach his/her lesson with using visual technology, students will learn better because many students have visual memory and in this way, they will be more familiar this lesson because learning with seeing is more beneficial method to teach something. My audio literacy did not enhance in my secondary school but nowadays, I watch films and series. Moreover, in nowadays, I join Distance learning lessons and online classes as well. They can help me to enhance this literacy. 

With those literacy skills, students can improve their creativity, communication skills. They can use technology in a better way for their research and they can use those skills to solve their problems also. In those skills, they can understand their environment and the condition of society.  They will start to think in an analytic way. I want to use media literacy in my teaching life also. Media can enhance students to provide new material in their education life.

In my opinion, the strongest literacy is cyberlearning because all skill can combine in it. Visual, media, computer so on. All of them are important for students’ education life. Students and teachers have to use those skills to improve themselves in those abilities they can aware of their environment. I am not sure whether there are any weak literacy. I think all of them important to develop new knowledge and all of them related to each other and they always interact with each other due to technology development and using in class.

 **** Cyberlearning is new term nowadays. Therefore, I want to add a video related to what it is and some descriptions about it.

Thank you, see you, ASAP. J

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