30 Ekim 2015 Cuma

Technology integration in Education


I think, technology should be integrated into curriculum. I like using technology while teaching or learning something. I want to use it also in my classes after graduating. Via technology, students can develop their abilities such as writing, reading, speaking, and listening. Technology enables students and teacher to create new educational materials. In class, they are more autonomous nowadays due to creating new materials. Those materials can be different and drawing attention of them.  Moreover, materials can be more authentic. They are closer to life. Therefore, they want to
want to be more agile in course. Teachers know what is missing in their curriculum while using technology because they can follow new educational improvements.

           I am not advance user while using internet maybe nearest of advance. Due to technological improvement, students can aware of their abilities. Todays’ generation is so different from us, we didn’t use technology so much in class in our high school or so on. However, nowadays every child has iPod, tablet, smartphone.. And there is a generation difference. Therefore, their abilities are different from us. Those children are in technology age and as a prospective teacher, I have to use technology in class to teach in a better way.
There are many obstacles in the Turkish education system. Many teachers don’t want to use new techniques. Still, in Turkish education system, teachers use audiolingual and grammar translation methods. They can be used but teacher should use eclectic methods in the class. Students have to cooperate with the others. Teacher should think them individually. However, in Turkey, there are many students in classes so it can be hard for teacher. With technological devices, teacher can reach all of them at the same time. However, the other teachers and institutions can see this as a problematic. Actually, in my country, there is busy curriculum and students do not want to learn English. They hate it because there is not interaction and entertainment. Moreover, teachers cannot know how to use the technology in class. Many of them ignore technological developments. If I have those obstacles, I will show others how to broad students’ knowledge with the technological devices. I will explain myself.  Actually, The big deal is related to the institutions. I think, I will always ready as a teacher J

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