2 Ocak 2016 Cumartesi

What It Means Video In Teaching? and Cyberlearning

How well did your teachers use video in your lessons at school?  Do you think that videos could have enhanced your learning in some subjects.  As a teacher, think of a situation where you would get students to create an animation/descriptive video/action maze as part of the learning process?  How do you think this might affect the learning process for the students?

          Today’s world, students can use all technologies in their home and almost all studens have computers, smart phones and tablet. Therefore, they can reach the technological devices easily. Students’ needs have been changed after development of technology so teacher should use cyberlearning which means “Cyberlearning is defined as learning that is mediated by networked computing and communications technologies”. in the classes to teach better. The devices should be selected by teacher carefully because students can misunderstand the content easily. This can stop learning also. Students’ ages, needs cultural background and proficiency level is so important to select the material on the internet.
          Teacher can use authentic material to teach the content. Students can contextualize the lesson and they can understand the meaning of the lesson. However, teacher should use appropriate material which they should be related to the lesson. YouTube and Ted-Ed channels have so many videos related to English lessons and some of them are very beneficial.

         There is a link about a teacher shares 12 clips that he have used in his own classroom. these can be beneficial while teaching English in the classes: http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/video-english-classroom

And there are links about cyberlearning:

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