8 Nisan 2016 Cuma

Constructivist approach

Constructivist learning philosophy - What are the advantages of having students develop such a process? What might be some drawbacks?  Would you feel comfortable using such an approach when you are a teacher?

Constructivist approach which means to learn actively and it based on observation through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences  can be the best learning style. Students are active creators of their own knowledge and in their learning process. Teachers should guide and monitor students. Teachers are model for students. The main purpose of this approach is to think students in deep. Debating and classroom discussions are important. Students learn from each other and see different perspectives of people. While debating, students broad their horizons because there is an information exchange and an interaction in class. Teacher should contextualize the lesson and students can learn through their life experiences. These can be advantages of that approach.

         On the other hand, there are some drawbacks also. Teacher should be well- qualified. This process can be tiring for them. They are active- listener, helper, guider and feedback giver for students. if teacher could not monitor or guided the class, there can be some misconceptions. Teacher should use clear instructions during lesson. Some student cannot feel safe in the class because some students can be shy. They do not want to share their ideas and feelings in front of their friends. In the next year, when I become a teacher, I want to use that approach because interaction and actively learning are important for teaching learning process. 

6 yorum:

  1. Hello Tuğba,

    I like your post.
    You have mentioned that sometimes is could be difficult. On that part I totally agree with you. As you know our education system has been changed by goverment but the goverment did not see the point which you see. We need good teachers for this approach.

  2. Hello Tuğba,
    I agree with you, there is an information exchange and an interaction with the other students in class thanks to constructivist approach. In our system, we generally exchange information with teacher. Also, when we want to describe something in class, we directly focus to the teacher. We think as if the teacher were only in the class. If the teacher understand us, we think that all class understand what we sad or we do not feel any responsibility on the students for their understanding. However, I think that the problem can be solved by constructivist approach. :D

    1. if we can use sufficient and efficient methods for students learning, we will solve many problems in our education system. Thank you for sharing comment.

  3. Hello Tuğba ,

    I like your ideas and ı agree with you totally. I also think that Constructivist appoach of learning is the best learning style for students. By doing this and with the successful guidence of teacher , students learn very well their subject.

    1. thank you Deniz. if we can use that method yes :)
