STORYBIRD "lets anyone make visual stories in seconds. Visual storytelling for everyone. A platform for writers, readers, and artists of all ages. "
Its visuals are so pretty and cute. They are not same in STORIFY. Actually, I liked it more than STORIFY. The visuals are more suitable for the making story but there are not enough pictures to create what ı want to say. I cannot find the exact pictures related to my story while writing it.
STORIFY "is the easiest way to find, collect, and share what people are saying all over the web. Join top companies, brands, and agencies as well as millions of userson the best platform for leveraging social media." In this week.
I liked this web page also. There are so many methods for finding pictures in the internet. For example, You can create the story with video, gif etc. moreover, you can connect with many different web pages such as twitter, Instagram, Facebook etc. So, all of them are useful while creating the story. I did not publish my same story which is published in my blog via STORYBIRD via STORIFY. I published it via Google+ but I can share my STORYBIRD story in my blog.
Storybird can be more effective for decoding because it allows users to find more pictures and images. In terms of encoding, Storify can be more useful because it enables users to create stories by using many sources and allows users to access related videos, photos and quotes.
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