Absolutely, yes. Thanks to education, teachers can change behavior, ideas, attitudes of people. some of them don’t aware of the bad habits but with education they can realize and start to decrease them in society. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk said that “Teachers: the new generation will be your devotion” and “our great ideal is to raise our nation to highest standards of civilization and prosperity.” Therefore, teacher can change the new generations’ behaviors and idea. New generation is the most important feature of one country. Teacher plays an important role of students and they see teacher as a model or idol. Therefore, teachers should avoid misbehavior and they should guide students. Teachers can teach many things both parents and students because some parents can learn many things from their children so teacher can educate society and increase their awareness about life. Teacher should consider students’ background knowledge, morality and social life as much as abilities and proficiency levels because students cannot be separated from their environment and teachers should believe and trust them. Therefore, teacher can reach them to change their misbehavior or create good behavior. If teacher trust students, students will trust teachers and respect them.
"Seek knowledge even if you have to go as far as China.” or "Seek knowledge even in China." (The Prophet)
"Çin’de de olsa ilmi arayınız." (Hz. Muhammed s.a.v.)
"Our true mentor in life is science."
"Hayatta en hakiki mürşit ilimdir." (Mustafa Kemal Atatürk)
Some important links about why education is important :
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