9 Kasım 2015 Pazartesi


Firstly, I want to talk about what Google alert is and how we create it.

Google alert means that an application that sends directly to the mailbox information that it was asked for. After creating the alerts, people can get email notifications in their e-mail addresses. People can add their topics that interest them. People can follow technological development via it.
For example, up to now, I added those alerts.

Create an alert

1.      Visit Google Alerts.
2.      In the "Create an alert about" box, enter the words you want to get email notifications for.
3.      Click Show options to say how often you get alerts, what types of results you want to get, and more.
4.      Click Create Alert.
5.      Once your alert is set up, you'll start getting emails any time we find new search results for your keywords.
You can also create an alert by clicking the + next to any of the suggested topics on the Google Alerts page.

Edit an alert

1.      Visit Google Alerts.
2.      Your existing alerts will be listed below "My Alerts."
3.      To the right of the alert you want to edit, click edit https://lh4.ggpht.com/YcAgeQ7dNU2Y40mnZPyAwvABF2ITY6g9wu9XW8jvCXbDYirJKp7iG6cH4ECtxxQh6a_bhsjZ=h16.
4.      When you're done making changes to the alert, click Update alert.

Change delivery time or create a digest

1.      Visit Google Alerts.
2.      In the "My Alerts" section, click settings Settings.
3.      Check the box next to the setting you want to change.
4.      Click Save.

Discussing part:
Why can you use GOOGLE ALERTs as a TEFL student?  
Would GOOGLE ALERTs be useful for your students when you are a teacher?

Students can follow their interests via those alerts. For example, they can follow the English alerts to expand their horizon.  After adding the interest in Goggle Alerts, many e-mails will be sent to them related to those issues in a week or less. Students can follow all of those developments at the same time; moreover, teacher can use Google Alerts also to follow his/her field and monitoring the web for specific information. Teacher can also use it to keep up to date with new advancements

*This is the link of the Google Alerts https://www.google.com/alerts
*More info, you can visit http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Google-Alerts

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