21 Kasım 2015 Cumartesi

How to analyze your writing with the corpus tools?

            I analyzed my writing with some corpus tools such as Readlang, Read-able and Word and Phrase. They are very useful tools to understand which readings are more suitable for students’ level of proficiency.

    According to Read-able, my essay has an average grade level of about 15, and it should be easily understood by 20 to 21 year olds, and there are those results in this page also:

          With Word and Phrase tool, teacher can find which word is academic or not or s/he can see the collocations of the words. In addition, students can benefit those sites while writing some academic essays. They can find more suitable words than non-academic one for their academic essays. According to readlang, my essay is suitable for C2 level.

           And there are some complex words so maybe my essays level can be advanced. However, according to Word and Phrase, my result is:

  According to those results, 32 percent of my words are academic, and my essay words got %83 frequency range.

   I want to use those tools when I start to teach. And these tools give me and my students an idea how to improve our writing skills in a better way.

There are links of the these corpus tools.
Read-able: http://read-able.com/
Readlang : http://readlang.com/
Word and Phrase : http://www.wordandphrase.info/

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